1. We welcome you to our online website with distinctive title and registered office at Port of Katakolo Ilia. is an online store selling products and services via the internet. The online store operates at the online address under the terms and conditions presented below. The use of the online store presupposes the unconditional acceptance of all the following terms and conditions. If the user disagrees with some or all of the terms of use of the online store, he must refrain from using it, otherwise he declares that he has unconditionally accepted all the terms and conditions of its operation.
The online store operates under the responsibility of the company PAPAS SINGLE MEMBER P.C.
Ioannis Iosif Papaioannou
Ioannis Latsis Street
Katakolou Port Ilia
27067 Greece
Telephone 26210-42188
myPos number: 1393256
The display, presentation, sale, transport-storage, delivery and any return of our products displayed on this website as well as the protection of your personal data and the security of your transactions are governed by these terms of use, which we invite you to read before you navigate to and make your purchases. Your navigation on as well as the realization of any transaction or communication with our company means your unreserved acceptance of these terms of use. In the event of your disagreement or reservation about part or all of these terms, you can send your relevant e-mail to the email address johnpap909@gmail. com. Our company reserves the right to modify, renew or upgrade at any time and without prior notice to the user/consumer/visitor/member of (in whole or separately):
- part or all of these terms of use,
- part or all of the content of and
- part or all of the interface, structure or configuration of as well as its technical specifications. Also, the company reserves the right at any time, without justification and without prior notice to the user/consumer/visitor/member of to abort, suspend or terminate the operation of The user/consumer/consumer/member of acknowledges and unconditionally accepts all of the above by only navigating and/or using the services of
a) Use/Operation of – Both parties (company and consumer) are committed to correct and based on good faith and business ethics. Use. In order to have correct and complete access to, the JavaScript language as well as the ability to download cookies must be activated in the browser. To use you must have a version of Internet Explorer over 6 or a version of Mozilla Firefox over 3.5 or another equivalent web browser installed. It is also recommended to use the latest versions of browsers as well as Adobe Flash Player to display additional graphics. The user/consumer/visitor/member of acknowledges and accepts that in order to use some of the services of he may need to download certain upgraded electronic programs to his PC. The company takes all necessary measures for the continuous and uninterrupted operation of, but reserves the exclusive right, and the consumer accepts it, to permanently or temporarily interrupt the operation of with or without warning to the users/members and visitors of In any case, the user/consumer/visitor/member undertakes and accepts that they will not use to send, publish, send by email or transmit in other ways any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, is a violation of another's privacy, shows empathy, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may cause harm to minors in any way, may not be broadcast according to law or contractual or managerial relationships (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered in confidentiality agreements), infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of a third party, contains viruses software or any other all codes, files or programs, which are designed with the purpose of interrupting, causing damage, destroying or equipping the operation of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally violates the applicable Greek and Community legislation and its provisions, may harass third parties in any way and any content is used to collect or store personal data about other users.
b) Content of – The company takes all possible care for the correct publication – display of information regarding the products it promotes through However, our company is not responsible for possible errors in the context of the operation of the electronic department store in the listed and displayed information (such as the listed price, availability, photo, item, etc.) which may be due to technological failures-errors , typographical and/or "human" errors and/or incorrect information from suppliers even through its negligence. If you find an error before and/or after completing your order, please send an e-mail to . In any case, however, if you find an error, please do not proceed with sending an order request before notifying our company and clarifying the specific matter. The retail prices of the products are mostly determined by the suppliers. Nevertheless, our company follows a free pricing policy based on its commercial strategy, always within the framework of the prescribed legislation, especially the provisions on the protection of competition (fair and unfair). Therefore, it is possible to find a difference in the prices of the products sold at from other similar products sold at other points of sale, given that our company from time to time offers product offers or other promotional actions whenever the deems necessary. Also, the company reserves the right, and the user/consumer/visitor/member of accepts it, to modify the listed prices and change and/or withdraw the offers at any time with or without prior notification of the users/consumers/ visitors/members of
The entire content of (except for those elements that belong to third parties, e.g. copyrights of third parties, partners, agencies, etc.), i.e. indicative and not restrictive texts, photographs, drawings, the commercial and financial data, the programs, all kinds of files, brands/logos, the format (lay-out) of etc. are the subject of intellectual property of the company and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek Law, the European and applicable international conventions on intellectual property. Under no circumstances should their appearance and display on be taken as a transfer and/or assignment of a license and/or right to use them. Based on the above, therefore, total or partial copying, distribution, transfer, processing, storage, reproduction, republishing, modification and any related action on the above data is expressly prohibited, without the express prior written consent of the company. Otherwise, the above actions may constitute an infringement of the intellectual/industrial property rights of the company, which reserves the right to claim any positive and consequential damage caused to it in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. The user/consumer/visitor/member of accepts and acknowledges that the company has the possibility of commercial exploitation (either by itself or by third parties) of all the data displayed on as well as the modification of these data at any time it wishes with or without prior notification of the users/consumers/visitors/members of
a) Correct entry of personal information. Because your personal information and the contact information you provide to are extremely important for the execution of your electronic transaction with us since, as you know, these are, among other things, the only means of communication between our company and for the performance of its obligations towards you as well as orders, you must be sure that the information you have given us is absolutely correct. Our company takes every possible care to receive your correct information from you and for this reason, we ask you at the end of filling in your information to recheck this information and then send it to us together with your express consent. Therefore, our company bears no responsibility in the event that any of its contractual or legal obligations are not fulfilled correctly and/or on time due to you sending incorrect personal information. In particular, any notification that will be sent to the email address you have given us (e.g. for the lack of product availability, etc.) will be considered valid even if it is not delivered to you due to an error in the information you have provided. The same applies to the contact and shipping address of the products as well as the contact telephone numbers. In any case, you are required to update your information every time there is a change in it.
b) Registered users. The website is hosted by the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell products and services to our customers. Your data is stored in its storage media, in its databases and in general in applications. They store your data on secure servers and are behind a firewall.
In order to serve you better and facilitate your future purchases, you should register as a user of (log in) when you first send an order request to our company. The information you fill in the special form on remains exclusively and only on the servers of Therefore, when you first send a visit order request, you are asked to open an account with us and create a user profile (Name, gender and date of birth), using your own unique security codes (username & password). In this way you create your own unique page - registered user page - where your purchase history is recorded, you can track the status of any new order request, the status of the shipment of the product you have ordered , etc. During your registration as a registered user, the company may and you as a registered user accept that a system of session cookies is installed exclusively and solely for the purpose of identifying you and your transactions to create your history as a customer that appears on your personal page and is visible only to you. The above session cookies have the exclusive purpose of serving the better management of your profile and your transactions so that you are not obliged to declare your details from the beginning every time you visit Session cookies are deleted as soon as you log out as a registered user.
c) Personal data protection policy. The issue of protecting your personal data is for our company a very serious issue that is treated as a top priority. Your personal data is collected by our company exclusively and only in the context of carrying out transactions with and our communication with you for the completion of your orders, your invoicing, the facilitation of deliveries, the general execution of your orders, servicing your requests as well as sending informative messages in relation to our products and services. All your personal information which is collected through the special electronic form of is absolutely necessary for the performance of the above services from our side and is subject to the condition of your full and unconditional consent/consent which is provided by sending your personal data to us. It goes without saying that you are able to access your data at any time and request the immediate deletion of your data, as well as your deletion as a registered user. You are also entitled to exercise all your rights under Articles (EU) 2016/679 at any time. In any case, your data is kept by our company only for as long as you are a registered user of and/or for as long as your transactions are carried out with us and are deleted as soon as you are deleted from the user and/or the transaction is completed together your. Also, during your visit to, session cookies may be installed on your PC in order to be able to record the items you place in your shopping cart, even before you register as a registered user in order to to send your order request. Your personal data is not communicated to any third party and is managed exclusively by our company. The only exceptions are: j) data related to the execution and settlement of electronic credit card payments carried out by our trusted partners – financial institutions that follow all appropriate security procedures to safeguard your information and ii) data that is absolutely necessary for the execution of your order (transportation, storage, etc.) by the companies cooperating with us. However, all of your data are protected and managed in accordance with the terms and rules of Greek legislation and in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and our company strictly follows all the rules established by relevant legislative framework. In the context of the above legislation, the information kept by our company may be disclosed to third parties, the competent authorities, prosecutors or other administrative services only in accordance with the rules and provisions provided for in the respective regulatory framework. Also, all your data, information and transactions are governed by the principles of privacy of communications (electronic and non-electronic) and commercial transactions and all appropriate measures are taken to protect and ensure their privacy during transmission and/or and execution of transactions. The user/consumer/visitor/member of should also protect the privacy of his data and not make disclosures to third parties (even through his negligence) nor grant the use of his data by third parties. It is also recommended to change the user code (password) at regular intervals. The company reserves the right for any possible damage caused by a culpable violation of the above obligations of the user/consumer/visitor/member of Finally, in order to complete the order process, you accept the sending of automated or personalized e-mails both directly to your PC and personally to the e-mail address you have notified us as well as any telephone communication on the phones you have notified us by employees of our company
The website is hosted by the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell products and services to our customers. Your data is stored in its storage media, in its databases and in general in's applications. They store your data on secure servers and are behind a firewall.
All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our company comply with the standards set by PCI-DSS, as managed by the PCI Security Council, which is a joint effort of companies such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help secure the handling of credit card information by our store and service providers.
Our company recognizes the issue of data and transaction security as a matter of major importance and for this reason takes all the necessary measures to ensure them. The website protects its members from any data interception with the data encryption method. We work with the company Let's Encrypt, which encrypts every element entered by the user in 2048-bit format for security. Customer details are not disclosed to third parties and during your browsing on the website they remain encrypted and therefore not visible to unauthorized third parties. Encryption is valid at all stages and all transaction procedures and the sending of your personal data-elements to and from, such as the shopping cart, the wish list, your personal registered user page, the account creation page registered user (log in), in the order form, during the transfer of data to and from the company, etc. Also during the process of making payments by credit card, the credit card details are protected with the 2048-bit encryption method. The data remains encrypted and is not disclosed to any 3rd party. The codes used to identify you are
a) the Login Code (e-mail or username) and
b) the Personal Secret Security Code (password), which every time you register them, they provide you with absolute security access to your personal information. You can change the above codes at any time and as often as you wish. The only one who has access to your details is you through the above codes and you are solely responsible for maintaining their secrecy and concealment from third parties. In the event of its loss or leakage, you should notify us immediately, otherwise our company is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. We recommend that, for security reasons, you change the above codes at regular intervals and avoid using the same and easily traceable codes, using if possible not only letters and numbers but also symbols for and creating your codes.
The user/consumer/visitor/member of fully and irrevocably accepts the exclusive right of the company to stop the use of his/her access codes to the services of and to stop making the content and information available of whenever it (the company) considers
a) that these terms are violated by him (user/consumer/visitor/member). It may also interrupt, suspend, modify the operation of in whole or in part, permanently or temporarily at any time with or without prior notice to the user/consumer/visitor/member of The company and its partners make every effort, in the context of the technological control they carry out at regular intervals, so that the services, content and transactions of are carried out smoothly and without interruption and that the high level is maintained security it has. However, it is not responsible in the event that, for any reason, including the case of negligence, the operation of is interrupted or access to it becomes difficult and/or impossible and/or, despite the observed security measures, it is detected " viruses" or other harmful software and are transmitted to users'/visitors' terminals, or if unauthorized third parties interfere in any way with the content and operation of the site, making it difficult to use it or causing problems in its proper operation or intercepting data concerning personal data of customers and registered users of Furthermore, the company bears no responsibility regarding the consumer's communication with third parties that may be advertised on, while it is not responsible for any issue that may arise from the possible conclusion of any kind of commercial transaction between the user/member and the third party advertiser . Also, our company is not liable under any circumstances for any legal or civil and/or criminal claims nor for any damage (positive, special or cumulative which indicatively and not restrictively, disjunctively and/or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data , lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) from users/consumers/visitors/members of or third parties for a reason related to the operation or non-operation and/or the use of and/or in the inability to provide services and/or information available from the company through and/or from any unauthorized interventions by third parties in products and/or services and/or information available through it and/or created security gaps . In any case, however, and as long as any of the above is due to the proven fraud of the company, the company is only responsible for covering any positive damage of the injured party that is directly related to the above and the fraud of the company. Likewise, all the limitations of liability stated in these terms of use, which the user/consumer/visitor/member of recognizes and accepts in their entirety as valid and in accordance with good faith and business ethics, apply.
8. LINKS – LINKS TO OTHER SITES may contain references to websites, for the content and services of which the company bears no responsibility, nor does it guarantee their permanent and safe accessibility. Therefore, for any problem that occurs when visiting/using the said websites, the user/visitor must contact the respective websites directly, which bear the sole responsibility for the restoration of the problem in question. In no case should the company be considered to accept or adopt the content or services of the websites and pages to which it refers or to be linked to them in any way. The administrator/owner of this website is solely responsible for any problem that may arise when visiting such websites.
a) Litigation - Applicable Law - For any dispute that may arise regarding the operation and use of the site, if it is not possible to settle it by consensus, the Courts of the city of Katakolou, Ilia are responsible. For any dispute regarding the interpretation and application of these terms and conditions as well as for any other issue regarding the use of, Greek Law is applicable.
b) Invalidity of a term – If one of the aforementioned terms is or becomes invalid, the remaining terms of this Agreement will not be affected.
c) Modification of terms of use – These terms of use may be modified at any time by the company with or without prior notice. Any modification of the terms shall be effective upon their posting on
d) Headings – The headings used in these terms of use are for ease of reference and are not intended to be an aid to the interpretation of the Agreement.
e) Delay in exercising a right – Any delay by the parties (company and consumer) in exercising part or all of the rights arising from these conditions does not result in a weakening or waiver of the right in question which can be exercised at any time at a later stage and ' reasonable judgment of the beneficiary.
f) Acceptance of terms – The user/consumer/visitor/member of declares that he has read these terms and accepts them in their entirety and that he acknowledges that they govern all services provided by as ' throughout his navigation on/transaction with